Infant Care

Ages: 6 week to 12 months
Teacher to child ratio: 1 to 4

Infants require a lot of love and attention. In the infant room, we provide a warm, nurturing atmosphere for out babies so they may thrive. Age appropriate toys; such as swings, exersausers, bouncy seats, and indoor play area filled with playthings, are provided to help develop each child’s quickly growing skills. We help your baby roll over, sit-up, crawl, stand and walk, as well as hold a bottle. The walls are brightly decorated to provide visual stimulus, and the children are held and read to and have music to listen to throughout the day.

Meals are provided on demand or according to parent’s instructions. Each child is assigned a teacher and a crib. We provide sheets that are washed daily. When you baby is old enough to eat table food, we also provide lunch and snacks. An infant record is kept daily that indicates when the baby’s diapers were changed, when and what they ate, when they slept, etc.